It’s Time for Callaway to Embrace Smarter Solutions to Housing and Infrastructure

Published on 30 September 2024 at 17:12

As residents of Callaway, we’ve all noticed the growing pains our city is experiencing. The rising cost of housing, coupled with infrastructure that can’t keep up with demand, is becoming a bigger issue by the day. More people are moving here, which is great in many ways, but we’re feeling the pressure on everything from housing availability to road maintenance.

The thing is, our current approach to solving these problems isn’t keeping pace. We need something different—something that will actually get results. Luckily, there are two smart solutions being proposed right now that could make a huge difference in how our city tackles these challenges. These solutions won’t just offer temporary fixes; they could truly set Callaway up for long-term success.

Unlocking the Potential for Housing

One of the biggest issues we hear about from fellow residents is the difficulty in finding affordable housing. Whether you’re a young family looking for a starter home or a long-time resident thinking about downsizing, the options just aren’t there. Part of the problem is our zoning laws—they’re outdated and make it difficult to build the types of housing that people need.

A new zoning ordinance being proposed could change that. By updating these laws, we would open the door to more housing developments that fit the needs of our community. Imagine more affordable housing options popping up, quicker turnaround on new homes being built, and neighborhoods that blend residential and commercial spaces in a way that makes sense. It’s about giving developers the freedom to meet the demand we all know exists, and in doing so, helping drive down housing costs.

This isn’t just a benefit to those looking for homes. When we make it easier for people to live here, we make it easier for businesses to thrive too. More residents mean more local consumers, which means more opportunities for small businesses to open and succeed. It’s a positive cycle—one that benefits everyone in the community.

Fixing Our Infrastructure, the Right Way

We can’t talk about Callaway’s challenges without mentioning our infrastructure. From pothole-filled roads to strained water systems, it’s clear that our city’s infrastructure is struggling to keep up. We all know the frustration of dealing with these issues, and the longer we wait, the worse they’ll get. But how do we fix them without waiting years for government funding or raising taxes? That’s where the second ordinance comes in, and it’s an approach that could change everything.

The proposed infrastructure ordinance encourages partnerships between the city and private companies to handle repairs and upgrades more efficiently. These kinds of partnerships allow us to get things done faster and often at a lower cost. Instead of relying solely on public funds and waiting for budgets to align, we can bring in businesses that specialize in infrastructure to work alongside the city in fixing our roads, water systems, and more.

What’s the result? Roads that are smoother, water systems that are more reliable, and a city that’s better equipped to handle future growth. And we can do all of this without resorting to tax hikes that would burden our residents. It’s a practical, smart approach that gets the job done while keeping costs down.

Why This Matters for Callaway

These two proposals—updating our zoning laws and bringing in partners to help fix our infrastructure—are exactly what Callaway needs to prepare for the future. Together, they offer a way to handle the challenges we’re facing without falling into the trap of short-term fixes or bureaucratic delays.

Think about what this means for us as residents. More affordable housing options. Businesses that want to invest in our community. Roads that are safer and more reliable. Water systems that can actually handle the demands of a growing population. These are the kinds of changes that improve quality of life across the board, and they’re within reach.

But for these solutions to become reality, we need our City Commission to act. It’s time for us, as residents, to let them know that we’re ready for these smart changes. These proposals are practical, they’re efficient, and most importantly, they work. If enough of us speak up, we can push for the introduction and adoption of these ordinances, setting Callaway on the path to success.

Our city is growing, and with growth comes challenges. But with the right approach, these challenges become opportunities to build a stronger, more vibrant Callaway. Let’s make sure our city is ready for the future, and let’s encourage our leaders to take these steps that will benefit us all.

It’s time for Callaway to take the lead, solve these issues, and create a community we’re all proud to call home.


Written By: Stephen Despin Jr. | Founder/Contributor

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