As a young mom of two, the whole idea of educational freedom and school choice isn’t just some abstract debate—it’s something that’s deeply personal to our family. When Aiden came into my life, it was clear that education would be a top priority. We surrounded him with educational cartoons, toys that encouraged counting and reading, and books that sparked his imagination. By the time kindergarten rolled around, Aiden was already ahead of the game. He could read simple books, count to 100, and had this incredible love for learning.
But when we put him in the local public school, our excitement quickly turned into frustration. The teachers were doing their best, but the public school system just wasn’t equipped to handle a kid like Aiden. He was more advanced than the other kids, and instead of pushing him forward, the rigid school structure seemed to hold him back. The system’s one-size-fits-all approach didn’t really fit him, and he wasn’t getting the challenges he needed to thrive.
We’ve always believed in public education and the good it can do for society. But as we watched Aiden’s excitement for learning start to fade, we knew we had to do something different. That’s when we made the tough decision to pull him out of school and take his education into our own hands through homeschooling.
Since we made that choice, we’ve never looked back. Homeschooling has allowed us to shape Aiden’s education around his strengths and interests. We move at his pace, explore subjects that really capture his imagination, and give him the one-on-one attention that’s just not possible in a big classroom.
Going through this opened our eyes to the bigger picture of educational freedom and school choice. We’ve seen firsthand how the traditional public school system can sometimes fall short for kids who don’t fit the mold. And we’re not the only ones—more and more parents are frustrated with the limits of public education and are looking for alternatives that better meet their children’s needs.
That’s where school choice comes into play. School choice initiatives, like vouchers and charter schools, give families the freedom to pick the educational path that’s best for their children. It’s about giving parents control over their kids’ education instead of being stuck with whatever the local public school offers. For us, that control has meant homeschooling, but for others, it might mean choosing a charter school with a specialized curriculum or using a voucher to attend a private school that aligns with their values.
Some people argue that school choice takes resources away from public schools, but I see it differently. It’s not about turning our backs on public education—it’s about recognizing that education isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation. Different kids have different needs, and who knows those needs better than their parents? When parents have the freedom to choose the best educational setting for their kids, everyone benefits.
Plus, school choice can push public schools to improve by creating healthy competition. When public schools have to compete with charter and private schools for students, they’re motivated to innovate and get better, which ends up benefiting all students—not just the ones who leave the public system.
Now, as we get ready to homeschool our second son, Liam, we’re just as excited and determined as we were with Aiden. We know there will be challenges, but we also know how rewarding it is to see our kids thrive in an environment that’s perfectly suited to them. We strongly believe in the power of educational freedom—not just for our family, but for all families who want to take an active role in shaping their children’s futures.
In today’s world, where the federal government increasingly dictates educational policies, school choice offers a much-needed balance. It puts power back into the hands of parents and creates a more diverse and adaptable educational landscape. It’s not just about picking a school; it’s about choosing what’s right for each child.
Our journey with Aiden has shown us that education isn’t just something that happens to kids; it’s something that happens with them. It’s a collaborative process that needs flexibility, creativity, and a deep understanding of each child’s unique needs. And that’s something no standardized curriculum or government policy can truly offer.
As more parents advocate for school choice, I’m hopeful that we’ll see a shift in how we think about education in this country. I hope we’ll move toward a system that values individual needs over institutional convenience and offers every child the opportunity to reach their full potential—whatever that looks like.
For us, homeschooling was the right choice, and it’s a choice we’ll continue to support. But more importantly, it’s a choice we believe every parent should have the freedom to make. Because at the end of the day, no one knows a child better than their parents, and no one is better equipped to guide their education.
Educational freedom and school choice are about more than just policy discussions—they’re about empowering families to take control of their children’s futures. And for our family, that empowerment has made all the difference.
Written By: Savanna Despin | Founder/Contributor
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